starting in

about the event

This event is a longer one (assuming all of you don't grind away like crazy hour one), progress made by one player helps every other player participating. The more active players, the faster and easier it will be to complete this event. But beware, only one person can get the final reward so don't become too attached to your fellow hunters.
If you can't be there the moment the event starts, don't worry. Unless an announcement has been made declaring a winner, it's not too late to join. will be the "hub" of the event, it will guide you and everyone else through it. The actual gameplay will happen on SMPOnline and the merkmart archives. The progress bar on the top of the event page will indicate your collective progress towards unlocking your next mission. This event has a narrative, but paying attention to the story is not required to be able to complete the event.

the SSC experience

I recommend joining the merkmart discord to work with other players and to watch our video content that goes along with the event.


• Playing together with friends is a great way to complete this event. Make sure that everyone enters their own progress on the page though, they will not be able to claim any rewards otherwise.
• Use the server resource packs on both SMPOnline and the merkmart archives. We use custom textures for parts of the event, you can download it here. If you choose to not use them, look out for feathers/echo shards instead.
• For the best experience, and much easier navigation during the missions, we recommend using Complementary Shaders. The missions have been designed around using this pack, but it is possible to complete everything without them. • If needed, you can use the command /noshaders while in missions on the archive server. This will make it easier to navigate without shaders.
• Keep ambient sounds on high during the missions. This is not important but will better the experience.

And most of all, have fun! I've put a lot of time into this, it's my way of celebrating the last (almost) 3 years of SMPOnline. It's been a great time, and I'm very happy to have met so many great people. Thank you for your patronage - merk